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What it means for you


We hook our family up


Share the VAMO life


We win - you win - Let's Go...

Who we are

Living the VAMO Life is 100% about getting out in the world and living your best life. We are paddlers, surfers, skaters, foilers, kiters, wind surfers, riders, skiiers, moms and dads. We have children that share in our lives. We couldn't imagine doing anything else other than being outside enjoying this planet with others like us. We come from diverse backgrounds and accept everyone for who they were, are, and will be. Together our goal is to inspire people to be expressive through activity and find joy outside. The grin we have from ear to ear is best served in the warm glow of a summer day or a crisp silent winters water. 

Being a part of our team is being able to share your life. Help inspire others to get outside by sharing your corner of the world visually and adventurously. Let's live the VAMO Life together. Let's Go...


Get plugged in

Not ready to be a part of the team yet?

That's ok, we weren't ready to figure out how to balance our family lives with our kids. Then we figured out the kids are supposed to be part of the journey. Now we do it together. Hope you come around but in the meantime why not follow us and be a part of the family from a distance for a while...then jump in!